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With The Help of Vroom Software May Be We Enjoy Faster Web Browsing

Google, Microsoft and several strive to make their web browsers faster. Google launched AMP, Edge was built on a new architecture and Mozilla overhauling its Firefox browser are some of the examples in this case.

Researchers at University of Michigan may have found a way to make web browsing even faster. The all new Vroom architecture loads pages twice as fast on average, even AMP pages’ load faster.

How Does It Work?

Its working is pretty simple. It downloads more of a page at once rather than going back and forth while downloading, which is the usual process in most web browsers.

According to Vaspol Ruamviboonsuk, the researcher that led the development on Vroom,

When a browser begins to load a page, all it knows is the main URL. Everything else, it's to find on its own through multiple rounds of parsing and execution code to work out all the assets it wants
Vroom minimizes the load time by bundling up the information the browser requires to load a certain page. Along with the info requests this new piece of code sends hints which indicate the important resources that would be required for loading of the page so your browsers don’t have to send multiple back and forth requests.

There’s a Catch
One problem is that the web server needs to know how to reshuffle the data received.

Vroom is currently a research project at the University of Michigan, which means it’ll take a while until the code makes it to other markets and regions.

The project is being backed by Google’s Faculty Research Award, the National Science Foundation and MIT, so the chances of this code to see the light of the day are very high.

-via Engadget
