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Global Student Entrepreneur Awards in Canada Chance to win $20000

The Entrepreneurs’ Organization is holding a global competition called “Global Student Entrepreneur Awards” for undergraduate students to bring their ideas to the global stage.

The international competition, featuring over a thousand competitors from all across the world, now provides a direct opportunity to students in Pakistan to compete by first participating in a local version of the competition.

What is GSEA?

GSEA, short for world Student Businessperson Awards, is that the premier world competition for student entrepreneurs UN agency actively run a business. It is organized by Entrepreneurs’ Organization, a non-profit organization with more than 12,000 members in more than 160 Chapters in 50 Countries around the globe.

The competition’s aim is to promote innovation and a business-mindset in students, providing an exclusive opportunity for student entrepreneurs to make connections, find resources, and grow their businesses. An annual event, GSEA 2018 is now scheduled to take place in April 2018 in Toronto, Canada.

How to Apply

Entrepreneurs’ Organization Karachi chapter has decided to start GSEA in this city by holding a local version of the competition, paving the way to the global finals next year.

If you’re a student with your own business, you can apply for the competition by filling the form on their website.

The deadline for submission is 30th November 2017.

The ideas will be shortlisted, after which a local competition will be held in Karachi in January 2018. The top 3 participants will be awarded prizes.

In the next phase, a national level competition will be held in either Karachi or Lahore in February 2018 (all travel & lodging expenses will be borne by EO).

The winner of this event will get go to Toronto, Canada to compete against individuals from 60 countries around the world in April 2018.

The prize for winning that is huge — a cash prize of $20,000 as well as a chance to share his/her business idea in front of successful entrepreneurs who may invest in their idea as well.

Eligibility Criteria

  • You must be enrolled for the current academic year in a university/college as an undergraduate or graduate* student at the time of application. Full-time enrollment is not required; part-time enrollment is acceptable.
  • You must be the owner, founder or controlling shareholder of your company and principally responsible for its operation. Each company can be represented by only one owner/co-founder.
  • Your business must have been in operation for at least six consecutive months prior to the application.
  • Your business must have generated US $500 or received US $1000 in investments at the time of application.
  • You should not be one among st the highest six finalists from any previous year’s GSEA world Finals Competition.
  • The age cap for participation is 35 years of age.

* Graduate students are eligible to use on condition that they need regularly registered in a very university following their college man degree and not left faculty to figure on their business or to seek other employment. Exceptions can be made for students who have taken up to 12 months’ break before beginning their postgraduate education.
